Washed out meaning in hindi
As noun : अरअ Ex:  The storm had washed out the game
अलसौंहा Ex:  Rain washed out the match. कमज़ोर Ex:  I studied all I could, but I still washed out . उ: यह कमज़ोर बातों के साथ प्रतिनिधित्व किया जाना चाहिए। क्लांत Ex:  Fred washed out on that stock deal . ग्लपित Ex:  Lefty and Willie washed out at the racetrack . तंद्रो Ex:  Poor Ted really looks washed out . पनुवाँ प्रश्लथ फीकरिया फीका विजिह्म सतंद्र सांगग्लानि सादित हसीर
As verb : धो दिया
As adjective : तकित Ex:  Rain completely washed out the third Test at Manchester. थका Ex:  The flooding washed out several roads and bridges
Washed out ki paribhasha : 3301 niras
ExamplesUsage of Washed out in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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